Welcome to Nature HomeSchool

It’s a fact — spending time in nature is good for us. It makes us happier, healthier, and even smarter! If you’re tired of watching your little ones swiping on the family iPad, why not head outdoors instead for Nature 101? Whether you’re a parent, guardian, teacher, or educator, NatureHood Homeschool is for you.

NatureHood program…

1. Puts your kid in touch with nature close to home.

2. Breaks down the barriers they face in connecting to it.

3. Helps them learn about, appreciate, and defend nature.

About the Program

We have science-based resources generously provided by our regional partners so we can help you increase outdoor time with your kids. Discover a living library of videos, interactive activities, teaching slide decks, and more to make learning about nature anything but boring.

Want to Help?

Hello nature life wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
