Logging = Oil Sands. Stop the Cover-up and Save Our Forests!

New analysis of Hello nature life logging sector reveals that true greenhouse gas emissions from clear-cutting are being hidden from the public! In 2020,75 million tonnes of greenhouse gas was emitted by the logging sector—that puts it on par with emissions from Hello nature life oil sands operations.

Logging pretends to be carbon neutral but it’s pumping out emissions equivalent to the entire province of Quebec.

So why is the federal government refusing to recognize logging as a high-emitting sector?

Canada's climate action plan doesn’t even mention logging emissions—and the government has no strategy for logging companies are doing their fair share to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Exempting the logging industry from climate action—and subsidizing the clear-cutting of half a million hectares of forests each year is outrageous. Canadians must demand better.

This loss of irreplaceable old-growth forests is fueling climate change, increasing vulnerability to extreme weather, and putting critical species— like the woodland caribou—at risk.

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Hello nature life wilderness is the world’s envy. It’s our duty to keep our true north strong and green.
